What is Snap-It?

The Snap It! Competition requires students to develop a 30-second creative video of their experience while at Mississippi State University and share their masterpiece on Twitter.

During the SnapIt! Workshop, students will learn how to create photo collages which will allow them to create cool images with high resolution. They will also explore a number of pho- to editing tricks to compile an original storyline video. During the campus tour, teams will collect their artifacts and create the collage. Students will be engaged in a fun and engaging competitive event while learning about MSU. A panel consisting of MSU faculty, staff, and students will judge the videos, which are not to exceed 30 seconds.


Event Requirements

  1. Bring at least one smartphone.
  2. Setup Twitter account with the username(Ex. SchoolName-01)
  3. Note:  Required App information to be sent at later date.

Event Guidelines

Before Arriving at MSU:

  1. Each team must install the Twitter (other application coming soon) on one smartphone that will be used during the competition at MSU.

  2. Each team must install Twitter app and setup Twitter username that will be used to submit their team's submission. Team name's consist of high school name and team number (ex. SchoolName-01).

During the Workshop

  1. Teams will participate in a MSU tour (new tours). During the tour, teams are expected to snap photos that will reflect their experience and journey on campus.

  2. Students will use the skills they have learned to create a unique collage and 30-second video.
  3. Teams will upload their submissions using their school name and team number (ex. SchoolName-01).
  4. Submissions will be judged based on the evaluation rubric.

Evaluation Rubric

Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Connectivity to MSU 0-1 2-3 4-5
Perception of Storyline 0-1 2-3 4-5
Creativity 0-1 2-3 4-5
Originality 0-1 2-3 4-5